Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Wet nappy days
Winter is here and it is hard to get Meggie Moos naps turned around and dry. So whats a Mama to do...
I love seeing all the nappies drying together, it kinda makes me feel like I am doing this Mama thing right. Don't ask me why. Cuteness.
Nearly as cute as the owner;
Crispy skin duck
The cost of buying duck is well out of our price range, and really not a necessity so I wouldn't do it. But my wonderful and ultra-talented Mum keeps Pekin ducks, the result, beautiful young doomed drake to eat and at the moment a good amount of duck eggs. Last night I took the opportunity to roast up a wee quacker - crispy skinned as of course.
And I have realised far too late that there are no plated pictures, no duck left either, it was tooooo goooood.
Friday, June 10, 2011
May Milo KAL
The Milo vest is brilliant, so versatile, very quick to knit up and super practical for hard-playing kids. I love it! The Milo turned 2 on June 6th 2011. To celebrate, the designer; the uber-talented Tikki, organised a KAL (Knit-a-long for the uninitiated) for May over on Ravelry.
I had a few to get done on my project list so used this as an opportunity to knock them out. Five in fact.
A newborn one for Sophie – with the Owl cable, but I embellished around the outside a bit over-zealously and it now appears more like a Tiki – perfect for a Kiwi bub
The preschool one that Miss Kei-te-pai has been waiting ever so patiently for – with her choice of cable – hugs and kisses
A new one for Meggie Moo – this time in some buttery soft Mal worsted that the wonderful Cadi sent over for us. And we didn’t even use half of it Cadi! This one has a quilted lattice stitch body for some texture – something I’ve been wanting to try.
Its hard to keep that baby still anymore!!
I loved the lattice stitch so much that it made it an easy decision to do it again for this one:
A birthday gift for one of Miss Kei-te-pai’s friends (luckily I had my own model!)
And the last one for the month was another newborn one, this time for wee Ngaio. This has a Koru on the front in cable that I designed. I’m not entirely happy with how it pulls a wee bit but I wanted to have something that acknowledged Ngaio’s Maori roots and the koru symbolises new life unfurling – like a fern uncurling as it grows.
One more was cast on – but its a 6yr old size and at the moment its sitting in my WIP (work-in-progress) basket gazing at me, along with 5 other things…
Our big girl's birthday!
And Cupcakes!
A happy birthday girl who enjoyed having her friends over for a wee party.
Miss Meggie Moo is just plain happy.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
What we've been up to
There has been a beach holiday
A baptism for Miss Meggie Moo
Another gorgeous wedding
A class trip to our local Kauri forest
There was 2 weeks spent here
But at least we had a great city view at night!
and since Mr T couldn't remember his trip to Auckland in this helicopter we stopped in on the way home